Collaboration Opportunities

Teach For All is a global network of independent, locally led partner organizations working to ensure all children have the education, support, and opportunity they need to fulfill their potential. Teach For All’s global organization works to accelerate the network’s progress and increase its impact. External consultants, organizations, and other vendors work on collaboration opportunities to strengthen specific projects at Teach For All.

Consultancy Opportunities

Global Academy - Open Call for Applications

Teach For All is working to launch a Global Institute to enable diverse classroom, school, and system leaders to learn together about how to develop all students—in particular those in the most marginalized communities—as leaders of a more just, equitable, and sustainable future. In this request for proposals, we are looking for faculty members to create and co-facilitate courses and workshops as part of the Global Academy pilot program in 2025.

Teacher Coach Resource Center Designer

This project will create a “one-stop” shop for teacher coaches across the network and beyond to access examples, insights and exercises to put in practice immediately. Likely to be most applicable for: Programmatic designers who have experience in designing highly accessible learning products and are able to effectively connect to the Teach For All vision and approach to learning. Alumni or former partner or global staff, may likely have the relevant skill set. If you are an experienced coach and/or designer and are inspired to help build out the Teacher Coach Resource Center, please click here and apply now.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Consultant

We are seeking a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) consultant to contribute to a project that brings together organizations focused on career education and nurturing youth employability across Latin America, Europe, and Asia. This initiative aims to facilitate connections, collaborative learning, and the development of innovative career readiness education initiatives adapted to the specific needs of the communities these organizations serve.

The MEL consultant will play a key role by closely collaborating with the project team, engaging in two core activities: 1) evaluating the project's impact, and 2) designing, supporting the implementation, and evaluating career education pilots. This consultancy will span two years, commencing upon the selection of a suitable candidate. We are currently reviewing applications on an ongoing basis.

Communications Consultant for USAID Leadership For Change Program

Anywhere in the Americas (North America, Central America, South America and Caribbean)

Purpose: The purpose of this consultancy is to provide expert support to Teach For All’s global organization and network partners to design and implement a communications strategy and products to specifically highlight results and impact of the USAID Leadership for Change Program during Year 4 of the Program. The strategy and deliverables should focus on innovations developed and implemented through the Program in order to position Teach For All and partners’ work externally, sharing results and successes with USAID audiences, and to develop a strategy to share learning from the Program internally

Research Manager Consultancy

This would be an option to socialize opportunities on our website so anyone would be able to view and apply for the opportunity.  Likely to be most applicable for: Programmatic-related vendors, where the focus of the work is itself closely aligned to our mission and members of our network, including alumni or former partner staff, may likely have the relevant skill set.

Consultoría en Análisis del mercado de talento para Enseña por Guatemala

Anywhere in the Americas (North America, Central America, South America and Caribbean)

Purpose: El propósito de esta consultoría es proporcionar apoyo técnico a TFAll para informar sobre la estrategia de la campaña de Enseña por Guatemala (ExG) para reclutar a su primera cohorte de participantes que serán recién graduados universitarios, jóvenes profesionales y otros líderes al inicio de sus trayectorias profesionales.  El consultor llevará a cabo una investigación de mercado para proporcionar información a Teach For All sobre el "panorama de liderazgo" de Guatemala para encontrar candidatos, y recomendaciones sobre qué tipo de actividades de divulgación y mensajes tendrán más sentido en la organización.  En general, esta consultoría proporcionará una ruta crítica para diseñar e implementar una estrategia de reclutamiento, comprometiendo a la cohorte pionera de líderes de ExG y permitiendo el lanzamiento programático de la organización.

The purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical support to TFAll to inform ExG’s campaign strategy to recruit their first-ever cohort of fellows who will be recent university graduates, young professionals and other leaders relatively early in their career trajectories.  The Consultant will conduct market research to provide insight to Teach For All on Guatemala’s “leadership landscape” to source target candidates, and recommendations on what types of outreach activities and messaging will most resonate with the organization.  Overall this consultancy will provide a roadmap to design and implement a recruitment strategy, committing ExG’s pioneer cohort of leaders and enabling the organization’s programmatic launch.  

Solicitations for Goods and Services

There are no available opportunities at this time.