A Critical Mass of Leaders
Reshaping the systems that hold children back takes many people pioneering many solutions and working together at all levels—in schools, in government, and in communities.
In communities around the world, our network is developing a critical mass of leaders working collectively to ensure all children have the education, support, and opportunity they need to shape a better future.
Building Collective Leadership
Explore case studies of communities across the globe where network partners and their teachers and alumni are working together with families, local leaders, and many others to improve education and expand opportunities for children.

Teach For America
United States

Enseña por México

Teach For Nigeria

Teach For Uganda

Teach For Malaysia
for a thriving ecosystem

Learn more about our network partners' impact in communities around the world

Community Impact Lab
As network partners engage with families, local leaders, policymakers, and other community members, Teach For All’s Global Learning Lab for Community Impact learns from their progress, and shares lessons and insights about what’s at work when collective leadership is building.

Community & Systems Impact Research
Our research agenda is exploring challenging questions about how to develop collective leadership and how it contributes to systems change. Two important reports exploring transformation in schools in London and Washington, D.C. both point to the role of Teach First and Teach For America in developing a critical mass of leaders who enabled this progress. Additional studies on this long-term impact are in design and development.