Meet Teach For All's 2020 Student Leader Advisory Council

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Teach For All network partners share the belief that all children have potential not just to navigate the world they'll inherit, but to lead it—starting today. Because our work directly impacts students, Teach For All's Student Leader Advisory Council was created in 2018 to ensure that their voices and perspectives are included in the network's decisions and direction. 

We are thrilled to announce the selection of the 2020 Council and to introduce its eight new student members from Ghana, Denmark, India, Ukraine, Peru, the United States, Mexico, and Armenia. The new council members range in age from 14 to 18 and were selected from 135 applications from 22 countries across all our regions after multiple rounds of rigorous application reviews by global organization staff, network teachers, and alumni, with the outgoing students of the 2018 Council making the final selection decisions. For the next year, they'll collaborate with staff of Teach For All's global organization and network partners, as well as other advisory committees, to contribute to our vision and work across the network.

We look forward to sharing much more about the 2020 Student Leader Advisory Council, its members, and their efforts over the coming months. Until then, visit the Council's  biography page to learn more about all of its members