Ramona Urtane
Ramona is a 2013 Iespējamā misija graduate. She joined Iespējamā misija as a project manager in January 2021 and was appointed CEO in January 2022. In addition to her work experience in schools, Ramona has extended experience in implementation of reforms in education sector and municipalities. Her prior experience in working with students motivated her to create more opportunities for them to learn, communicate and develop skills that will prepare them for their adult life. She believes that “Until I lose the desire to learn and be open to challenges, I will do my best to build a solid foundation in the lives of our students.” She holds a Master's degree at the Faculty of Public Health of Riga Stradins University and a Bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy from Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Rehabilitation. Ramona currently lives in Cesis and loves spending time in nature — hiking, camping and doing other recreation activities.