Enseña Perú alumna Karina Clemente is influencing policy to ensure early childhood development is a priority

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A young woman in a black track suit smiles as she sits on top of a see saw with smiling girls in blue track suits on either side

After completing her two year teaching commitment in a marginalized community in Lima, Enseña Perú alumna Karina Clemente helped develop policy for the country's Ministry of Education. Six years later, after receiving a Masters in Education, she returned to the classroom in a rural community in the Andes. Karina found that her students and their families in the mountains faced very different challenges than those in the city, and she became convinced that addressing them needs to start early, in deep partnership with families and the community. Today Karina is committed to influencing policymakers to support early childhood development in rural communities and across the country. 

Watch the video to learn more about Karina's journey and why she believes everyone involved in the education sector should return to the classroom to experience first-hand the challenges educators and families are facing.