Centering Equity and Inclusiveness in the Future of Work

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Disruptive innovations to business models will have a deep impact on the employment landscape and the skills in demand. Students entering elementary school now will likely work in a job that doesn't yet exist. At the same time, our increasingly uncertain reality has shed light on the need to develop students' ability to adapt, lead, and be resilient. To ensure equity in developing the skills for all children to thrive in work and build a better world, we need a multi-stakeholder approach.

How do we evolve our education systems to ensure we are developing the right skills and building deep, strategic partnerships that help to raise awareness of future trends to educators? How do we prioritize equity and inclusiveness in this process so that all students have a chance, irrespective of where and under what circumstances they were born? This session explores these questions and more.


Robert Garlick

Head of Research EMEA

Mona Mourshed


Generation: You Employed

Sofía Puig


Enseña Uruguay

Tom Ravenscroft

Founder & CEO

Skills Builder Partnership

Jason Rekate

Global Head Corporate Banking


Christoph Selig

Head of Corporate Citizenship

Deutsche Post DHL Group