Teach For All’s Global Learning Lab Launches Immersive New Website

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Teach For All’s Global Learning Lab is excited to announce the launch of its new website, which will serve as a digital “home” for the insights, resources, and learning experiences created and curated by the Global Learning Lab (GLL). Designed to be an engine of innovation and learning, the Global Learning Lab is a Teach For All initiative that captures and spreads insights and practices from classrooms and communities across the network where significant progress is being made towards their visions for their children. Teach For All launched the Global Learning Lab to help ensure the network achieves its 25 year vision for communities in every part of the world to be enabling all of their children to have the education, support, and opportunity to shape a better future for themselves and all of us.

Through virtual workshops, roundtables, learning loops and collaboration with practitioners and experts, the GLL curates and shares innovations and insights into what it takes to reimagine classrooms and communities to support students in learning and growing as leaders. In all of its efforts, the Global Learning Lab learns both from and with the educators, students, and communities with whom it works.

The new website is organized to facilitate and share learning across and beyond our diverse network. It's designed to enable visitors to the site to explore in multiple ways, according to their particular interests and needs. For example, those who are looking for practical resources on measuring alternative student outcomes can easily find them, while someone who is looking for a particular type of resource on a specific topic—such as a video on ‘power, privilege and equity’—can search for all relevant material. Underpinning the structure are the Global Learning Lab’s four fundamental questions for classrooms and communities that are demonstrating progress and impact:

  • What is the vision of success?
  • Who leads?
  • What does it take?
  • How do we grow?

In addition to exploring each of these guiding questions through a diversity of examples, including videos, articles, and other resources, visitors to the website can also engage with past and upcoming GLL learning experiences. These experiences range from one-time workshops and roundtables to ongoing courses, including Learning Loops, which focus on a cycle of observation, reflection, and action to fuel both individual and collective learning.

In the coming months, the website will increasingly experiment and innovate with different forms of learning and sharing, in an effort to create a space that inspires deep reflection for as many people as possible.

The Global Learning Lab’s goal—facilitated by its new website—is to be part of a collective movement into uncharted waters: the creation of education systems that truly serve all children. This ambitious aim requires a radical reimagining of the status quo, which will look different from place to place. Because no single educator, classroom, or community has the blueprint for success or a formula that will guarantee progress, the Global Learning Lab strives to catalyze this work by remaining constantly at the cutting edge of its learning. To this end, the new website was created to become a hub of learning for teachers, alumni, staff, and students of Teach For All network partners, as well as educators and others beyond the network who are interested in coming together around this vision of learning and sharing insights and experiences to ensure all children have the education, support, and opportunity they need to thrive and lead.

Visit the Global Learning Lab's new website.