Teach for Mongolia Joins Teach For All

We’re thrilled to welcome Teach for Mongolia to the Teach For All global network as our newest partner! Teach for Mongolia is focused on creating a system to support leaders who have the desire, knowledge, and skills to ensure that every child receives quality and accessible education regardless of social, economic, and geographic conditions.
The education sector in Mongolia achieved significant outcomes in recent years with improving curricula, revising student textbooks and learning materials, and establishing a favorable learning environment. However, despite these improvements, the country still faces significant challenges, especially in bridging the urban-rural gap. This situation was further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic as more than 174,000 students (27% of the total student population) fell behind due to limited access to the internet and other resources.
Although net enrollment rate in primary education is almost 100% with little or no gender disparity, the quality of education students receive remains questionable. According to the Ministry of Education and Science, about 40% of children aged 7-14 have poor reading comprehension skills. Furthermore, lack of teachers in the classroom is going to be a growing problem for policymakers in the next decade. By 2030, the country will need an additional 32,000 new teachers in primary and secondary schools.
Led by Co-founder and CEO Gantushig Gankhuyag, Teach for Mongolia is focused on addressing the inequities that exist between Mongolia’s rural and urban educational systems and communities and their founding cohort of 16 fellows - selected from over 120 applications - are already teaching in rural communities across seven provinces in Mongolia. These fellows are working closely with school colleagues, teachers, educators, families, and the community to support their students. For example, because mental health is not a widely discussed topic in Mongolian society, especially in rural areas, one fellow who teaches physical education started to include meditation exercises in their classes which students have been very appreciative of as an opportunity to reflect and discuss inner wellbeing.
Teach For All is excited to welcome Teach for Mongolia to our global network and we look forward to learning from and with its staff, teachers, students, and future alumni, as well as the communities in which they work.
Learn more and follow Teach for Mongolia on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.