Teach For Lebanon and Teach First Deutschland Join Forces Towards a Shared Vision for Refugee Students

UNHCR’s Global Head of Education begins this session by giving an overview of the challenges and opportunities for educating displaced children across the world. Teach For Lebanon and Teach First Deutschland then showcase their exciting new collaboration, in which they’re working closely together to support refugee students within both of their countries.
Ulf Matysiak
Teach First Deutschland gGmbH
Salyne El Samarany
Teach For Lebanon
Becky Telford
Global Head of Education
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency
Michael Raible
Senior Expert | Programm Manager
Teach First Deutschland
Farah Abou Maita
Head of Education Department
Teach For Lebanon
Eva Maria Ritzenhoff
Manager - Public Sector and Cooperations
Teach First Deutschland