Breadcrumb Home Network Changemakers Network Changemakers Teach For Belgium alumna Ange Raïssa Uzanziga is ensuring the voices of young people are influencing policy In the US, Reyna Montoya is helping undocumented young people transform fear into hope and action In Romania, Andrei Barbos Niculescu is helping his students see that nature is the greatest teacher Teach For Kenya alumna Racheal Vichei is working to ensure the most marginalized children receive a quality education Te Moana Maika embeds Māori concepts of love, care, connection, and family into her classroom Enseña por México alumna Angélica Montes is driven by her belief in the transformational power of education In Ukraine, Olena Pavliuk is supporting students to learn and thrive while living through a war Teach For India alumnus Mayank Lodha was motivated by his classroom experience to take a system change approach towards improving education In Qatar, Mohammed Al Janahi produced videos to engage his students—and millions of others—in mathematics Teach For Austria alumnus Felix Stadler is fighting for a more equitable education system—as a politician and a teacher Natalia Herrera co-founded Tierra Maestra to help teachers reconnect with the natural environment Teach for the Philippines alumnus CJ Feria is helping keep students safe in emergencies Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page Last page
Teach For Belgium alumna Ange Raïssa Uzanziga is ensuring the voices of young people are influencing policy
Teach For Kenya alumna Racheal Vichei is working to ensure the most marginalized children receive a quality education
Enseña por México alumna Angélica Montes is driven by her belief in the transformational power of education
Teach For India alumnus Mayank Lodha was motivated by his classroom experience to take a system change approach towards improving education
In Qatar, Mohammed Al Janahi produced videos to engage his students—and millions of others—in mathematics
Teach For Austria alumnus Felix Stadler is fighting for a more equitable education system—as a politician and a teacher